ScyllaDB on AWS

AWS Partner Network

Predictable Performance at Scale on AWS

ScyllaDB is an ISV Accelerate Partner in the AWS partner network. The foundation of the relationship is technical excellence on EC2 instances. This led to ScyllaDB being mentioned in the I4I launch blog and demonstrating superior Graviton performance.

ScyllaDB’s NoSQL database was designed from the ground up to take advantage of modern multi-CPU, multi-core public cloud servers. ScyllaDB is adopted by organizations that demand ultra-low latency, even with workloads exceeding 1M ops/sec.

ScyllaDB Cloud on AWS Marketplace

ScyllaDB Cloud is our fully managed Database as a Service (DBaaS), based on ScyllaDB Enterprise. ScyllaDB Cloud is listed in the AWS Marketplace for both public and private offers.

ScyllaDB Enterprise on
AWS Marketplace

ScyllaDB Enterprise is our premium NoSQL database, offering the most stable codebase for production workloads at scale. It is a perfect complement to high-performance AWS EC2 instances such as the i4i, i3 and i3en series servers. ScyllaDB Enterprise is listed in the AWS Marketplace for both public and private offers.

ScyllaDB on I4i for 2X Performance

ScyllaDB is designed to take advantage of the latest advances in hardware, such as the new AWS EC2 I4i series instances. Our tests show they provide ScyllaDB users 2X throughput and lower latencies.

ScyllaDB is Graviton Service Ready

AWS Graviton2 chips, powered by Arm, are at the heart of the Is4gen and Im4gn series. ScyllaDB is Graviton Service Ready, allowing you the flexibility to run your workloads on these instances known for their price/performance advantage.

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ScyllaDB Cloud

Deploy our ScyllaDB Cloud database as a service on AWS

Gamechangers Running ScyllaDB on AWS

ScyllaDB & Freshworks at AWS Summit


Benchmarking ScyllaDB 5.0 on AWS i4i.4xlarge

ScyllaDB on AWS EC2 I4i Instances: Twice the Throughput & Lower Latency

New AWS Instances Perfect for ScyllaDB