Welcome to the ScyllaDB Open Source NoSQL Community

The next generation of NoSQL, compatible with Apache Cassandra® and Amazon DynamoDB®.

Join Our ScyllaDB Open Source NoSQL Community

Our open source NoSQL community is vibrant and growing. Here’s a few links to get started:


ScyllaDB Source Available Licensing

ScyllaDB 2024.1 Enterprise Mascot

As announced in this blog, ScyllaDB has decided to focus on a single release stream: ScyllaDB Enterprise. ScyllaDB OSS AGPL 6.2 will stand as the final OSS AGPL release. A free tier of the full-featured ScyllaDB Enterprise will be available to the community. This includes all the performance, efficiency, and security features previously reserved for ScyllaDB Enterprise. Under the ScyllaDB Source Available License, users can download the Enterprise 2024.2 version binaries and run production workloads free up to 50 vCPU and 10 TB (total storage space of all ScyllaDB servers/instances per organization.)

ScyllaDB Open Source NoSQL Projects

ScyllaDB Open Source NoSQL

Our scalable, highly-available, highly-performant open source NoSQL database offers compatible interfaces for Apache Cassandra and DynamoDB.

We welcome feature contributions, bug reports and bug fixes, documentation improvements, and other ways for you to help make ScyllaDB the best open source NoSQL database software possible. The basic steps are:

  • Sign up for the scylladb-dev Google group
  • Create a Git branch to work on
  • Commit your work with clear commit messages and sign-offs
  • Use git format-patch and git send-email to send to the list


Seastar is the framework at the heart of ScyllaDB. Written by the same authors as the KVM hypervisor, Seastar provides a highly asynchronous engine that implements futures and promises and leverages low-level Linux operating system features.

ScyllaDB Monitoring Stack

ScyllaDB Monitoring Stack is a complete NoSQL database monitoring and alerting system built on three open source components: Grafana, Prometheus, and Alert manager, plus customized dashboards and configurations optimized for ScyllaDB

Grafana provides the visualization of data coming from ScyllaDB into related topic or task oriented dashboards. This allows live monitoring as well as historical reporting on database performance.
Prometheus is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation graduated project for sharing metrics data from ScyllaDB. Alertmanager is a component of Prometheus providing live alerts for your team.
We also support troubleshooting CQL with Wireshark, the industry leading open source network protocol analyzer. ScyllaDB engineers contributed to the CQL dissector support for Wireshark.

Project Alternator

Project Alternator is the open source Amazon DynamoDB-compatible API found in our ScyllaDB NoSQL database. With Alternator you can use ScyllaDB as a drop-in replacement for DynamoDB, supporting the same client SDKs, data modeling and queries. However, the advantage is that you can deploy ScyllaDB wherever you want: on-premises, or on any public cloud. Plus manage it however you want via Docker or Kubernetes. You can read more about the project in the documentation.

ScyllaDB Operator Product Icon

Kubernetes ScyllaDB Operator

Kubernetes is the open source container orchestration system, allowing deployment, scaling and management of cloud native applications. Like Prometheus, Kubernetes is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation graduated project.

ScyllaDB Drivers Mascot

ScyllaDB CQL Drivers

ScyllaDB provides a number of open source drivers (clients) for its CQL interface. We always welcome contributions to drivers, which helps our NoSQL database community grow and thrive.


ScyllaDB’s Go CQL Extension (GoCQLX) is an extension of our GoCQL driver, providing a complete framework for Go and CQL, combining a CQL query builder, ORM, and migration tool.

Test Drive icon


It’s not just our NoSQL database that’s open source. We’ve open sourced many of our test suites themselves.

ScyllaDB is under constant and rigorous testing for a battery of cases: compatibility, longevity, filesystem errors, data integrity, and distributed systems behavior. We’ve even made many of our tests open source, such as our longevity test, a Jepsen test, CharybdeFS file system injections and Project Gemini nemesis testing.

Top Open Source NoSQL Database Community Contributors

Picture of Peng Jian
Peng Jian

Implemented Redis API for ScyllaDB (read the docs)

Picture of Yannis Zakardas
Yannis Zakardas

Key contributor to the ScyllaDB Kubernetes Operator; Winner of ScyllaDB’s Community Member of the Year award for 2019.

Picture of Alex (Olexander) Pikalov
Alex (Olexander) Pikalov

Author of CDRS, a Rust driver for ScyllaDB/Cassandra (read the blog)

Picture of Alexys Jacob
Alexys Jacob

Dozens of commits, most relating to Python compatibility; Winner of ScyllaDB’s Most Valuable Contributions to ScyllaDB Open Source for 2018.

Built on ScyllaDB

ScyllaDB is used as the underlying storage engine of a number of open source implementations. If you’ve written an open source solution using ScyllaDB and it’s not listed below let us know!

A distributed graph database compatible with Apache Gremlin/TinkerPop.
Learn More

A distributed time series database (TSDB).
Learn More

A distributed time series database (TSDB) for OpenNMS.
Learn More

An alternative to memcached using ScyllaDB to provide persistent storage, written in C++. Learn More


ScyllaDB integrates with your favorite Big Data open source projects:

Apache Kafka is an open source stream processing platform. Many of our users deploy ScyllaDB and Kafka side-by-side. ScyllaDB offers a shard-aware Kafka source connector.
Apache Spark is an open source distributed cluster computing framework. ScyllaDB works hand-in-hand with Apache Spark. Our ScyllaDB Migrator uses Spark to migrate data into ScyllaDB from Cassandra or DynamoDB.

Open Source Licenses

ScyllaDB Open Source is licensed using the Free Software Foundation’s GNU AGPL v3.0 license. We also have licenses for our drivers and documentation. Our contributor agreement is for those interested in committing fixes or features to our open source code.

Licensing Policy

The goal of the ScyllaDB Open Source server license is to require that enhancements to ScyllaDB be released to the community. Traditional GPL often does not achieve this anymore as a huge amount of software runs in the cloud. For example, Google has no obligation to release their improvements to the MySQL kernel – if they do, they are being nice.

We promise that we will not seek to enforce the copyleft provisions in the AGPL v3.0 against you if your application (a) does not link to the ScyllaDB database directly but exclusively uses ScyllaDB drivers, and (b) you have not modified, added to, or adapted the source code of the ScyllaDB database in a way that would result in the creation of a “modified version” of or a “work based on” the ScyllaDB database as such terms are used in the AGPL v3.0. ScyllaDB works with unmodified Apache Cassandra drivers (the part you link with your application), which are released under the Apache license, which is copyleft free.

If the above is not enough to satisfy your organization’s legal department (some will not approve GPL in any form), commercial licenses are available. Feel free to contact us for details.

ScyllaDB Trademark Guidelines

For trademark use approval or any questions you have about using these trademarks, please email [email protected].

Licensing and copyright information for this page:

Copyright © 2020, ScyllaDB. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.