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ScyllaDB Operator 1.5

The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce the release of ScyllaDB Operator 1.5.

ScyllaDB Operator is an open-source project that helps ScyllaDB Open Source and ScyllaDB Enterprise users run ScyllaDB on Kubernetes. The ScyllaDB operator manages ScyllaDB clusters deployed to Kubernetes and automates tasks related to operating a ScyllaDB cluster, like installation, scale out and downscale, as well as rolling upgrades.

ScyllaDB Operator 1.5 improves stability and brings a few features. As with all of our releases, any API changes are backward compatible.

API changes

  • ScyllaDBCluster now supports specifying image pull secrets to enable using private registries. (#678)
    • To learn more about it use kubectl explain scyllacluster.spec.imagePullSecrets.

Notable Changes

  • ScyllaDBCluster now allows changing resources, placement and repository. (#763)
  • The operator validation webhooks now chain the error, so you no longer have to iterate “one by one” if your CR contained more than one error. (#695)
  • Operator and webhook server pods are now preferred to be scheduled to a different node (within the same deployment) for better HA. (#700)
  • ScyllaDB manager deployment got a readiness probe to indicate its state better. (#725)
  • Webhook server got a PodDisruptionBudget for better HA when pods are being evicted. #715

For more details checkout the GitHub release notes.

Supported Versions

  • ScyllaDB ≥4.3, ScyllaDB Enterprise ≥2021.1
  • Kubernetes ≥1.19.10
  • ScyllaDB manager >=2.2
  • ScyllaDB monitoring ≥1.0

Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading from v1.4.x doesn’t require any extra action. Depending on your deployment method, use helm upgrade or kubectl apply to update the manifests from v1.5.0 tag while substituting the released image.

Getting Started with ScyllaDB Operator

  • ScyllaDB Operator Documentation
  • Learn how to deploy ScyllaDB on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) here
  • Learn how to deploy ScyllaDB on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Engine (EKS) here
  • Learn how to deploy ScyllaDB on a Kubernetes Cluster here (including MiniKube example)

Related Links

We’ll welcome your feedback! Feel free to open an issue or reach out on the #kubernetes channel in ScyllaDB User Slack.

Maciej Zimnoch

About Maciej Zimnoch

Maciej is a Go and C++ enthusiast. He is a software engineer working on ScyllaDB management tools. Previously he worked in network companies where he delivered multiple features to SDN solutions and LTE networks.