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ScyllaDB Enterprise Release 2019.1.10

The ScyllaDB team announces the release of ScyllaDB Enterprise 2019.1.10, a production-ready ScyllaDB Enterprise patch release. As always, ScyllaDB Enterprise customers are encouraged to upgrade to ScyllaDB Enterprise 2019.1.10 in coordination with the ScyllaDB support team.

The focus of ScyllaDB Enterprise 2019.1.10 is improving stability and bug fixes to improve the high-performance enterprise NoSQL database for real-time big data workloads. More below.

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Fixed issues in this release are listed below, with open source references, if present:

  • Performance: A few of the local system tables from the `system` namespace, like large_partitions do not use gc grace period to 0, which may result in millions of tombstones being needlessly kept for these tables, which can cause read timeouts. Local system tables use LocalStrategy replication, so they do not need to be concerned about gc grace period. #6325
  • CQL: ALTERing compaction settings for table also sets default_time_to_live to 0 #5048
  • Stability: ScyllaDB freezes when casting a decimal with a negative scale to a float #6720
  • Stability: In a case when using partition or clustering keys which have a representation in memory which is larger than 12.8 KB (10% of LSA segment size), linearization of the large (fragmented) keys may cause undefined behavior #6637
  • Correctness: Materialized view updates with future partition tombstones are not correctly generated. When the base table does not have any rows, but it does have a partition tombstone with a given timestamp, inserting a base row with a smaller timestamp will generate an incorrect materialized view update #5793

About Tzach Livyatan

Tzach Livyatan has a B.A. and MSc in Computer Science (Technion, Summa Cum Laude), and has had a 15 year career in development, system engineering and product management. In the past he worked in the Telecom domain, focusing on carrier grade systems, signalling, policy and charging applications.