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ScyllaDB Drivers: Optimizing Performance

15 minutes
Discover the latest trends and best practices impacting data-intensive applications. Register for access to all 30+ sessions available on demand.
Enter your email to watch this session from the ScyllaDB Summit 2024 livestream. You’ll also get access to all available recordings

In This NoSQL Presentation

ScyllaDB Drivers take advantage of the unique ScyllaDB architecture to deliver high performance and low latencies. Join this talk to learn more about our shard-aware drivers, their features, and best practices for working with them. The presentation will go over the new features added in 2023 as well as our plans for 2024, including our work on the Rust Driver and how ScyllaDB Drivers will support tablets.

Piotr Grabowski, Junior Software Engineer, ScyllaDB

Piotr Grabowski is a Junior Software Engineer at ScyllaDB.

ScyllaDB Summit 2024

What’s next for data-intensive applications

ScyllaDB Drivers: Optimizing Performance

15 minutes
Discover the latest trends and best practices impacting data-intensive applications. Register for access to all 30+ sessions available on demand.
Enter your email to watch this session from the ScyllaDB Summit 2024 livestream. You’ll also get access to all available recordings
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In This NoSQL Presentation

ScyllaDB Drivers take advantage of the unique ScyllaDB architecture to deliver high performance and low latencies. Join this talk to learn more about our shard-aware drivers, their features, and best practices for working with them. The presentation will go over the new features added in 2023 as well as our plans for 2024, including our work on the Rust Driver and how ScyllaDB Drivers will support tablets.

Piotr Grabowski, Junior Software Engineer, ScyllaDB

Piotr Grabowski is a Junior Software Engineer at ScyllaDB.