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Real-Time Event Processing with CDC

13 minutes
Discover the latest trends and best practices impacting data-intensive applications. Register for access to all 30+ sessions available on demand.
Enter your email to watch this session from the ScyllaDB Summit 2024 livestream. You’ll also get access to all available recordings

In This NoSQL Presentation

ScyllaDB’s Change Data Capture (CDC) allows you to stream both the current state as well as a history of all changes made to your ScyllaDB tables. In this talk, Senior Solution Architect Guilherme Nogueira will discuss how CDC can be used to enable Real-time Event Processing Systems, and explore a wide-range of integrations and distinct operations (such as Deltas, Pre-Images and Post-Images) for you to get started with it.

Guilherme Nogueira, Senior Solutions Architect, ScyllaDB

Guilherme Nogueira is a Senior Solutions Architect at ScyllaDB.

ScyllaDB Summit 2024

What’s next for data-intensive applications

Real-Time Event Processing with CDC

13 minutes
Discover the latest trends and best practices impacting data-intensive applications. Register for access to all 30+ sessions available on demand.
Enter your email to watch this session from the ScyllaDB Summit 2024 livestream. You’ll also get access to all available recordings
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In This NoSQL Presentation

ScyllaDB’s Change Data Capture (CDC) allows you to stream both the current state as well as a history of all changes made to your ScyllaDB tables. In this talk, Senior Solution Architect Guilherme Nogueira will discuss how CDC can be used to enable Real-time Event Processing Systems, and explore a wide-range of integrations and distinct operations (such as Deltas, Pre-Images and Post-Images) for you to get started with it.

Guilherme Nogueira, Senior Solutions Architect, ScyllaDB

Guilherme Nogueira is a Senior Solutions Architect at ScyllaDB.