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ScyllaDB Stands with Israel

We are shocked and saddened by the tragic attacks in Israel. ScyllaDB is rooted in Israel. It is home to many of our employees – including Avi and myself. We are happy to report that our employees and their immediate families are safe.

Even in the face of these circumstances, we are deeply committed to ensuring that there is no impact to our customers. ScyllaDB is a remote-mostly company with a presence in more than 20 countries. Our global team will be happy to assist you, as always.

In Israel, we’re working like we did during COVID. Those who want to work in the office are welcome; the rest are working from home, near their families. We are proud of our employees who were called to reserve service. After 25 years of service, I envy going back there as well.

The P99 CONF event will continue as planned on October 18 & 19 (next week). It is a fully virtual event, and we are excited for it!

The DevOpsDays TLV, which we were the premium sponsor of, has been postponed. We also transitioned our own internal Engineering summit, which was planned in November at Cyprus, to 2024 because most airlines canceled their flights and we respect our Israeli employees’ wishes to stay closer to their families.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your ScyllaDB representatives, or contact me personally (dor at We wish the best for all the peace seekers and performance enthusiasts of the world.

About Dor Laor

Dor Laor is co-founder and CEO of ScyllaDB. Previously, Dor was part of the founding team of the KVM hypervisor under Qumranet that was acquired by Red Hat. At Red Hat Dor was managing the KVM and Xen development for several years. Dor holds an MSc from the Technion and a PhD in snowboarding.