ScyllaDB Manager 2.2.1

The ScyllaDB team announces the release of ScyllaDB Manager 2.2.1, a production-ready ScyllaDB Manager patch release of the stable ScyllaDB Manager 2.2 branch. As always, ScyllaDB Manager customers and users are encouraged to upgrade to ScyllaDB 2.2.1 in coordination with the ScyllaDB support team.

ScyllaDB Manager is a centralized cluster administration and recurrent tasks automation tool.

Note that this upgrade only affects the Manager Server and sctool, not the Manager Agent.

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ScyllaDB Manager 2.2.1 features the following changes.

Row-level repair improvements

ScyllaDB Manager 2.2.1 improves performance and stability of row-level repair introduced in ScyllaDB Manager 2.2.0. Now repair is split into more ScyllaDB repair jobs, and we issue one job per shard. If one of the token ranges takes longer to repair it does not hold completion of other jobs. The below diagram shows parallel performance in ScyllaDB Manager 2.2.1 vs 2.2.0 in our test running repairs under load. The benchmark is described in our earlier blog post Repair Revisited.

Repair long polling

ScyllaDB Manager now supports a repair long polling API added in ScyllaDB 4.3. For that version we issue one request every 10 seconds to check ScyllaDB repair job status. Also, we get the result immediately when the job ends.

Docs have a new home

Our ScyllaDB Manager documentation has been refined and is now served from a new site:

21 Dec 2020