ScyllaDB Operator 1.2

The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce the release of ScyllaDB Operator 1.2.

ScyllaDB Operator is an open source project which helps users of ScyllaDB Open Source and ScyllaDB Enterprise run ScyllaDB on Kubernetes. The ScyllaDB operator manages ScyllaDB clusters deployed to Kubernetes and automates tasks related to operating a ScyllaDB cluster, like installation, scale out and downscale, as well as rolling upgrades.

ScyllaDB Operator 1.2 improves the operator stability, high availability, end to end testing,  and integration with the K8s ecosystem, like services meshes. More below.

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ScyllaDB Operator 1.2 brings a lot of improvements, bug fixes, and support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) platform.

The most important changes are:

  • ScyllaDB Operator and Manager Controller are now deployed as Deployments with 2 replicas to be highly available (#498)
  • Adjust probes for stability and better response time (#486)
  • Add managed Pod Disruption Budget (#438)
  • Automate sidecar image upgrade (#187)
  • Allow service meshes, like Istio, to connect to ScyllaDB, by listening on all interfaces. This allows service, like service meshes, to redirect the traffic to ScyllaDB. (#529)
  • Each new change is verified by e2e test suite (#393)
  • Disk benchmark is skipped if it has already been done (#379)
  • Got rid of busybox image dependency (#539)

You can find more features and bug fixes in the GitHub release notes.

Getting started with ScyllaDB Operator:

  • ScyllaDB Operator Documentation
  • Learn how to deploy ScyllaDB on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) here
  • Learn how to deploy ScyllaDB on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Engine (EKS) here
  • Learn how to deploy ScyllaDB on a Kubernetes Cluster here (including MiniKube example)

Want to help?

Follow the guides, use the operator and share your feedback!

Open an issue, or join the #kubernetes channel of ScyllaDB User Slack.

10 May 2021