ScyllaDB Manager 2.5.4

The ScyllaDB team announces the release of ScyllaDB Manager 2.5.4, a production-ready ScyllaDB Manager patch release of the stable ScyllaDB Manager 2.5 branch. As always, ScyllaDB Manager customers and users are encouraged to upgrade to ScyllaDB Manager 2.5.4 in coordination with the ScyllaDB support team. ScyllaDB Manager 2.6 is also available and users are encouraged to upgrade to it.

ScyllaDB Manager is a centralized cluster administration and recurrent tasks automation tool.

Note that this upgrade only affects the Manager Server and sctool, not the Manager Agent.

This release bypass two ScyllaDB issues that are both fixed in master:

  • Re-enables use of long polling for repair status tracking, and speeds up the repair init phase when working with ScyllaDB 4.4 and 4.5, this is a workaround for the scylladb/scylla #9576 issue.
  • Adjusts max repair speed, when running with –intensity 0 to ScyllaDB limits, related ScyllaDB issue scylladb/scylla #8641.

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25 Jan 2022