ScyllaDB Enterprise 2020.1.11

The ScyllaDB team announces ScyllaDB Enterprise 2020.1.11, a bug-fix production-ready ScyllaDB Enterprise patch release for ScyllaDB Enterprise 2020.1.

Note that the latest stable version of ScyllaDB Enterprise is 2021.1 and users are encouraged to upgrade to it.

As always, ScyllaDB Enterprise customers are encouraged to upgrade in coordination with the ScyllaDB support team.

See the list of stability improvements and bug fixes below.

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Fixed issues in this release are listed below, with open source references, if present:

  • Stability: abort streaming of data which is triggered by removenode operation if that node is already forcefully removed #8651
  • CQL: Disable Encryption at Rest on table does not work (see #8773)
  • CQL: Creating a table that looks like a secondary index breaks the secondary index creation mechanism #8620. This fix accidentally broke CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS #8717
  • Monitoring: API uses incorrect plus<int> to sum up cf.active_memtable().partition_count(), which can result with  the value wrapped around if bigger than 232, and return the wrong metric. #9090
  • Upscale (adding cores): On some environments /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor does not exist even if it supported CPU scaling. Instead, /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor is used. #9191

01 Sep 2021